Root canal treatment (endodontics) is a dental procedure used to treat infection of a tooth. The infection is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth and invade the tooth. The main purpose of endodontic treatment (root canal therapy) is to remove the diseased pulp, clean and shape the root canal system, disinfect the contaminated root canals, and then obturate (fill) the root canal system to prevent re-infection and promote periradicular healing.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists
Root Canal Therapy
In some cases when a tooth has had its pulp chamber or nerve and blood supply affected by decay or deep fillings, then this tooth can be saved by removing the nerve supply. Typically this can be one pulp chamber or nerve supply in front teeth, to three or four in molar teeth. Treatment times can vary from 30 to 90 minutes depending on which tooth and also on good access and good anaesthesia. In most cases, a root canal is done over 2 or 3 visits, but this will depend on each case.
The process of root canal allows teeth to be saved where normally they would be extracted. Many factors determine successful root canal such as access to the tooth, good saliva control and isolation of the tooth, compliance from the patient, cost and length of time spent.

In some cases when a tooth has had its pulp chamber or nerve and blood supply affected by decay or deep fillings, then this tooth can be saved by removing the nerve supply. Typically this can be one pulp chamber or nerve supply in front teeth, to three or four in molar teeth. Treatment times can vary from 30 to 90 minutes depending on which tooth and also on good access and good anaesthesia. In most cases, a root canal is done over 2 or 3 visits, but this will depend on each case.
The process of root canal allows teeth to be saved where normally they would be extracted. Many factors determine successful root canal such as access to the tooth, good saliva control and isolation of the tooth, compliance from the patient, cost and length of time spent.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists