At Harlesden Dental, our team will provide well-informed, personally tailored long-term care and effective treatments for our patients. To help you to look after your teeth and to avoid getting tooth decay, we offer a preventive approach as this offers an inclusive approach to oral health, focusing on prevention and overall health, not just treatment.
We do this by making checks on your social history including your drinking and smoking habits and where necessary, we can arrange for you to attend our cessation programs at the health center.We can offer you advice on your oral hygiene by encouraging regular appointments with our Hygienist who will look at your diet and analyse your consumption of food and drinks. Our oral health educator is also at hand to run through brushing techniques and brushing aids.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists

Preventative Assessment

Diet Analysis
At Harlesden Dental Clinic, our dentists will begin with the diet analysis of women who are pregnant to ensure that their diet includes the proteins, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus needed for the development of healthy tooth buds for their growing baby. Once the baby is being bottle fed, then our dentists can provide advice on how to prevent the harmful effects of caries. Thus, from the age of six months, the child may begin using a training cup instead of a bottle, limiting the time that the teeth are in contact with liquids.Nutritional instruction should continue after the teeth appear in order to promote good eating habits. By helping parents to choose the best foods for their children and to share with them the knowledge they need to maintain dental health will help avoid a build-up of plaque which in turn can have significant benefits.
If children become accustomed to healthy eating right from the start, they will be less likely to lose their baby teeth prematurely and ultimately less susceptible to caries in adolescence. In cases of chronic or debilitating illnesses or malnutrition, often seen in older people, it is even more crucial that we play our part, along with other health professionals, in adopting a nutritional approach to their patients.
When a patient visits our dentists for the first time, a nutritional analysis will give your dentist a fuller picture of the patient’s oral health and help in assessing the likelihood of successful treatment. Such an analysis may also reveal eating habits that do not appear to be damaging the masticatory system in the short term but may be harmful to the patient’s general health.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists

Smoking Cessation Program Advice

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and causes many diseases including in the oral cavity. Oral cancers and pre-cancers, periodontal diseases and poor wound healing are the most significant and serious effects of smoking on the mouth. Other negative effects of smoking are bad breath, stained teeth, jawbone loss, shrinking gums, mouth sores, decreased senses of taste and smell, poor healing of mouth sores and hairy tongue.
People, who quit halve their risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and oesophagus within five years. Quitting can improve smokers’ health generally.
At Harlesden Dental Clinic, our dentists are there to provide help for smokers who want to quit smoking. It is important for us to tell you the risks of smoking and to help you to quit by giving you information and support. By cutting down and stopping smoking or using tobacco products your oral health will benefit very quickly and you will notice certain changes in your mouth. It is essential that you come into the practice for regular check-ups so we can help you maintain good oral health and give you advice and encouragement.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists