A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material. Fillings are used to repair a cavity in your tooth caused by decay.
White Filling
Ceramic Filling
A ceramic cavity filling (usually made of porcelain) is tooth-coloured and it may be less likely to show tooth stains over time than a composite cavity filling. Gold fillings are just as durable and chosen by some patients, more commonly, porcelain is the material of choice in view of it matching natural tooth in colour and strength.
The process of preparation usually involves cutting the tooth with a rotary dental handpiece and dental burrs to make space for the planned restorative materials and to remove any dental decay or portions of the tooth that are structurally unsound. If permanent restoration cannot be carried out immediately after tooth preparation, temporary restoration may be performed.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists https://www.mvdentalspecialists.co.uk/

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Where a tooth has been weakened due to bacterial invasion and cavity production or through wear, we can restore these with fillings. One option to improve the cosmetic look of your smile is to have your metal-coloured fillings replaced with tooth-coloured or ‘white’ fillings.
The new filling is made from a very hard substance and will withstand the forces in your mouth when you bite and chew over a long period of time.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists https://www.mvdentalspecialists.co.uk/
Porcelain Filling
We use porcelain for larger fillings or an ‘inlay’, a filling on the surface of the tooth. We use a number of materials to fill teeth, including resin, gold or porcelain. Porcelain sometimes is used for a type of dental filling called an inlay or onlay.
An ‘Inlay’ refers to the inner part of the tooth and onlay involves the inner and outer part.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists https://www.mvdentalspecialists.co.uk/

Gold & Silver Filling

Dental inlays and onlays are a dental procedure that is used to restore a decayed or damaged tooth to its original condition and can actually strengthen it. They are a more conservative approach than a dental crown because they don’t involve the removal of healthy tooth structure. For this reason, inlays and onlays are considered a minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry treatment and for many dentists and patients is a much better choice.
Gold fillings, also called inlays or onlays, are composed of an alloy of gold, copper and other metals. These types of dental restorations are infrequently performed and are usually used for small fillings. Gold foils can be placed in one visit, just like an amalgam or composite filling.
Note: We offer assessment and Referral to Mount Vernon Dental Specialists https://www.mvdentalspecialists.co.uk/